Note.: The Magic Park is featured at an additional charge of AED 45 + 5% VAT.
The ticket is valid for a single entry only.
Children less than 3 year are free and above 3 years normal charges apply.
Tickets are non-refundable in any circumstances.
Professional shoots, including engagements, wedding, modeling, TV ads and other events requires prior approval from the management office.
Opening and closing timings should be observed strictly.
Please use proper passages, walkways, and exits allocated for such use.
Outside Food, Drinks, and Smoking not permitted.
Cars, Balls, Scooties, Bicycles, Hover boards, Pets are not allowed.
Guests must follow all posted and verbal safety instructions provided by Dubai Garden Glow.
Non-smoking zones at Dubai Garden Glow to be strictly followed.
Animals or pets are not allowed inside the Dubai Garden Glow.
Any instruction from the security personnel should be followed immediately without argument.
Respectful attire must be worn at all times and Dubai Garden Glow reserves the right to refuse admittance to Guests with unacceptable attire.
The management has all the right to expel any visitor from the park if found posing great threats to park assets or involves in miss conduct.
Any damages arising due to negligence or non-compliance with mentioned instructions shall be sole responsibility of the visitor and their companions.
Dubai Garden Glow reserves the right to change park timings, to temporarily close shows, attractions for the purposes of safety, maintenance without prior notice or any compensation.
Dubai Garden Glow is not responsible or liable for any lost, stolen or damaged property.